歯科医師 川邉滋次

2023年5月25日9 分


最終更新: 2023年8月18日











エナメル質形成不全症は日本で19.8% 地域差も?





English Version














エナメル質形成不全症は日本で19.8% 地域差も?











黄色や茶色に変色した原因は、エナメル質が十分に形成されず、内部の象牙質がうっすら見えていることです。つまり外部からの着色等ではなく、歯本来の色のため、ホワイトニング を行なっても改善することは期待できません。



1. エナメル質形成不全症はエナメル質が正常に形成されない状態であり、見た目の問題やむし歯のリスクがある。

2. エナメル質形成不全症の症状は軽度と中等度、重度に分かれる。

3. エナメル質形成不全症は、妊娠中から乳幼児期の栄養不足や感染症などが原因となる場合がある。


5. 遺伝性エナメル質形成不全症も存在し、遺伝する場合は多くの永久歯に症状が現れる。

6. エナメル質形成不全症の歯科での治療方法は軽度の場合には予防処置、重度の場合には修復処置が行われることがある。

7. エナメル質形成不全症で変色した歯はホワイトニングでは改善されない場合が多い。また、ホワイトニングによって知覚過敏を起こすリスクもある。


かわべ歯科院長 歯科医師 川邉滋次


1. エナメル質形成不全(むし歯になりやすい歯の異常)は西高東低〜日本小児歯科学会全国調査の結果から〜. 2023.


2. 照井淑之, et al. "審美障害を主訴としたエナメル質形成不全症例." 日本補綴歯科学会雑誌 47.5 (2003): 763-768.

3. 内海潔, et al. "歯の硬組織形成不全について 第 1 報: エナメル質形成不全 122 症例の集計観察." 歯科放射線 20.1 (1980): 36-43.

4. Ghanim, A., et al. "Molar incisor hypomineralisation (MIH) training manual for clinical field surveys and practice." European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry 18 (2017): 225-242.

5, Mittal, N., and B. B. Sharma. "Hypomineralised second primary molars: prevalence, defect characteristics and possible association with Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation in Indian children." European archives of paediatric dentistry 16 (2015): 441-447.

English Version


Teeth can become stained and yellow when food or drinks are ingested. However, newly erupted teeth may be yellow or brown in color. In addition, the tooth may grow in with a lumpy surface or with part of the tooth missing. These may be signs of enamel dysplasia.

Teeth are composed of enamel, dentin, and cementum, with enamel being the superficial layer of the tooth. This enamel is colorless and is the hardest tissue in the organism.

Enamel dysplasia is a condition in which this enamel does not form normally and the teeth become brittle. Although dentin and cementum can also be dysplastic, enamel is most commonly affected.

In this article, we have summarized this enamel dysplasia and hope that it will be helpful to those who are concerned about the color of their children's teeth or those who have always been concerned about the color of their teeth.

Symptoms of enamel dysplasia

Enamel dysplasia can be mild, moderate, or severe.

Mild cases are characterized by teeth that are cloudy white or discolored yellow or brown, even though they have just erupted.

Moderate is characterized by discoloration of the teeth as well as a lumpy, rough surface.

In severe cases, the teeth may be chipped, the surface may be uneven and the dentin inside may be exposed on the surface. It looks like a carious tooth, but it is not stained by the detection solution that stains carious teeth.

Enamel dysplasia not only causes visual problems, but also makes the tooth more susceptible to caries and to acid.

Causes of Enamel Dysplasia

Enamel dysplasia is thought to occur during pregnancy and in infants when teeth are being formed in bone.

Causes of baby tooth dysplasia include premature birth, low birth weight, poor nutrition during pregnancy, antibiotics during pregnancy, radiation therapy, and smoking.

In deciduous teeth, enamel dysplasia may appear in the second molar, called the E, and is known as HPSM.

In permanent teeth, enamel dysplasia may appear only in the central and lateral incisors and first molars (see figure below) because enamel is formed around birth (called MIH). During this period, caries and injury of baby teeth, malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies (especially vitamin D), infections (especially congenital syphilis), and high intake of excessive fluoride are thought to affect enamel dysplasia.

When caused by caries or injury, enamel dysplasia (called Turner's tooth) occurs only in that area, but when caused by malnutrition or infection, it often occurs in multiple teeth.

There is also hereditary enamel dysplasia caused by a mutated gene, which can be passed from parent to child. In this case, enamel dysplasia occurs in many permanent teeth.

Enamel dysplasia is 19.8% in Japan, with regional differences?

A survey conducted by the Japanese Academy of Pediatric Dentistry's Committee for the Promotion of Clinical Research of more than 4,000 healthy children between the ages of 7 and 9 at 388 dental facilities nationwide between 2015 and 2016 found that the national average prevalence of enamel dysplasia was 19.8%.

The survey results continued to show regional differences, with 14.0% in Hokkaido, 11.7% in Tohoku, 18.5% in Kanto Shinetsu, 19.3% in Tokai-Hokuriku, 22.3% in Kinki, 19.8% in Chugoku, 28.1% in Shikoku, and 25.3% in Kyushu, with the western part of Japan having a higher rate than the eastern part.

This regional difference is still unknown.

How is enamel dysplasia treated in dentistry?

In mild cases, treatment of enamel dysplasia focuses on preventive measures such as sealants and fluoride application, in addition to brushing and snacking instruction. If necessary, we will consider shortening the interval between regular checkups.

In moderate cases, a coating material is applied to smooth the surface of the teeth to eliminate unevenness.

In severe cases, restorative procedures may be performed due to appearance problems or missing areas. Temporary restorations are made with dental cement until the tooth grows back completely. Once the chipped area has grown back to the position of the bite, if the chipped area is small, it can be restored with a resin called composite resin, and if it is large, it can be treated with a ready-made crown (composite resin or ready-made metal crown). If the appearance is not bothersome or if there are no problems with the bite, etc., the patient's progress may be monitored.

Although there is a risk, it does not mean that something abnormal will occur immediately, so we recommend that you do not worry excessively and seek appropriate advice from your dentist. Careful brushing at home is also essential.

Can teeth discolored by enamel dysplasia be improved by whitening?

The cause of yellow or brown discoloration is that the enamel is not fully formed, and the dentin inside is faintly visible. In other words, it is not caused by external staining, but by the tooth's natural color, so whitening is not expected to improve it.

Also, thin enamel is prone to hypersensitivity, so whitening teeth with insufficient enamel formation may cause tooth stinging or other symptoms.
